Privacy Policy

RINGUS has attached great importance to respect individual’s privacy. This privacy policy illustrates all matter concerning the personal information of customers or relevant parties of RINGUS collected, used and stored as well as choices of individual regarding the usage, access, correction and deletion of personal information.
Privacy is always our first concern and priority. We are committed to protect the privacy, confidentiality and security of the personal information we hold by the provision with our Privacy Policy which has taken related regulatory requirements into concerns with respect to the management of personal information. We are equally committed to ensuring that all our employees and agents uphold these obligations. When you click on a hyperlink referencing to any other websites, you are considered as outside of the website and this privacy notice does not apply anymore. Hence, we are not liable to or responsible for your exposure to cookies and the privacy or security of any personal information you subsequently provide at the new location.     

Legal Basis for Processing of Personal Data      
RINGUS only collects personal data under any of the following reasonable justifications:

  • Consent: You have given explicit consent for RINGUS to collect, process, and store your personal data for the specified purpose.
  • Performance of a Contract: RINGUS collect, process and store your personal data in order to enter or to perform a contract with you given that you have accepted the contract and are willing to provide these personal data.
  • Legitimate Interest: It is necessary for RINGUS to collect, process and store your personal data to reasonably maintain the interest of RINGUS and any associated third party, under the circumstances that it does not override your fundamental rights and freedoms.
  • Compliance with Legal Obligation: It is necessary for RINGUS to collect, process and store your personal data to fulfill legal/regulatory obligations of countries that RINGUS operates.

Personal Data Collection and Purposes      
RINGUS only collects personal data when there is any specific purpose. The below illustrates the major purposes of any personal data collection from RINGUS with the related legal basis:

  • Reach out to client for enquiry response and carryout related sales activities
  • Carryout the project and services that delivered by RINGUS
  • Provide marketing material and updates about RINGUS 

If visitor who is decided to provide the information for the enquiry follow-up, essential information including “Name / Company Title”, “Email Address”, and “Enquiry” will be collected; where information including “Contact Number” and “Area of Interest” are optional to be provided.

If visitor who intend to subscribe marketing materials and updates about RINGUS such as newsletter or event information, information including “Email Address” will be collected.

RINGUS understands the needs of protecting children’s privacy in every aspect, especially the internet environment. This website is not designed for youth under the age of 16. We will never intentionally collect or maintain personal information of anyone with the age of 16 or below.      

Personal Data Disclosure and Transfer      
RINGUS will not use your personal data for any other purposes except those specified in the Collection and Purpose Section, also unless we have your permission, and had explained the reason to you for using your personal details. Personal information is not provided, traded or sold to any third parties unless with your authorization, specified in this policy or required by law. Therefore, RINGUS reserves the right to disclose your personal information to third parties when it is permitted by law or in compliance with the law and regulations. 

Personal information may share with the affiliates, associates, subsidiaries, holding company and parent company of RINGUS in order to deliver satisfying services and better experiences with the purpose stated in “Personal Data Collection and Purposes”. Personal information may share with data processor and information technology service providers such as web hosting and management, data backup and cloud services. These data processor may or may not located in the country that you are located. In this case, contractual agreements with necessary technical and organizational security measures are implemented to protect the right and privacy of the data subject. Data subject with his right may advice RINGUS for the exact data processor and RINGUS shall provide such details without undue delay. 

RINGUS will primarily stores collected personal information of customers in our managed environment, this including those locations where RINGUS has operation. Personal information is not provided, traded or sold to any third parties unless with your authorization, specified in this policy or required by law. Therefore, RINGUS reserves the right to disclose your personal information to third parties when it is permitted by law or in compliance with the law and regulations. 

Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing      
RINGUS intend to use your personal data in direct marketing with your prior consent. Your explicit consent on direct marketing is mandatory for us to deliver any marketing material to you, otherwise we will not do so.

Our direct marketing activities in general may include communication by email, post, telephone, SMS, and/or other mobile communication applications (such as WhatsApp, WeChat and/or Line) for delivering any marketing material about RINGUS’s environment, including our services, newsletters, events information. 

When you provide your personal data to RINGUS, if you do not want your personal data being proceeded for direct marketing purposes, please do not provide your information on specified area which allow you to opt into our newsletters and/or direct marketing activities. 

You may change your mind and request for cease to proceed your personal data for any direct marketing purpose at any time by following the opt-out / unsubscribe facility provided in our marketing materials or through our contact information as described in the “Questions” session in this privacy policy.

Information Retention      
RINGUS may retain your information for a time period consistent with the initial collection purpose. Your information might be retained during the time of business relationship and for a reasonable period of time afterward, complying with the regulation of retention period. We also may retain your information for the period of time needed for RINGUS to pursue our legal business interests, conduct audits, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce agreements. If you would like to identify whether your personal information is held by RINGUS or delete your personal data that RINGUS is holding, please contact us through

Personal Data Security Protection      
RINGUS endeavors to ensure the security and safety of this website. The company also uses other safeguards such as intrusion detection and prevention mechanism, firewalls; authentication systems (involving passwords and identification numbers) and access control mechanisms to avoid unauthorized data and system access. All personal data collected would be stored securely with authentication and access permission enabled to ensure information are restricted towards authorized personnel only.

Cookies Usage and Policy       
A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier that is sent to your browser from a web site's computers and stored on your computer's hard drive. Your visiting of this website may trigger the use of RINGUS cookies and this information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity. By continuing to use our websites, you agree to our Cookie Policy. You may refuse to accept the cookies by adjusting and disabling the setting of your computer, but you may not be able to utilize certain functions of this website as a result.      
This website may use different types of cookies including strictly necessary cookies, performance cookies, functionality cookies and targeting cookies. In particular: 

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies   These cookies are strictly required for the essential functions of the website and cannot be switched off. The cookies enable you to use the Website’s basic functions. Such cookies are only based on the actions you made such as website language, login session and privacy preferences. You may configure your browser to block these cookies, but this might affect the normal functionality of our website.
  • Functionality Cookies – These cookies enable our website to offer additional functions and customized settings. For instance, visitor may share this website to a range of networking and sharing platforms, hence cookies are required for the content sharing. 
  • Performance Cookies – These cookies collect information about how you use our website for analyzing the site traffic and cookies used for market research. Information collected in an anonymous form for analytical purpose such as number of website visitors and where visitors have come to the site from. The majority of the performance cookies we used are from Google Analytics including _gid and _ga.

If you would like to disable the cookies, you may modify the settings in your browser. However, your decline in accepting cookies may affect the performance of the website. Please also note that even with all cookies disabled, a tiny amount of information may still continue to be retrieved from your web browser without identifying your identity. 

Your Right     
At any point while we are in possession of or processing your personal data, you, the data subject, have the following rights: Right to be informed, access, rectification and be forgotten. You have your right to request a copy of your personal information, correct your personal data to maintain accuracy, and erase your data. 

  • Right to restrict, object and opt-out of processing your data. This includes direct marketing, automated processing, analytic action, profiling and information transfer to our affiliates or other third parties as described in this policy. 
  • Right of portability – you have the right to have the data we hold about you transferred to another organization.
  • Right to judicial review: in the event that RINGUS refuses your request under rights of access, we will provide you with a reason as to why. You have the right to complain.
  • If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us through

In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by RINGUS or third parties as described in this Privacy Notice, or how your complaint has been handled, you have the right to lodge a complaint directly with the supervisory authority or RINGUS’s data protection representatives at      

If you have any questions regarding to this Privacy Notice or how we handle your personal data, please contact:      

or by using the contact below:      

Data Protection Officer       
Unit 1817-1820, Tower 1, Grand Century Place,     
193 Prince Edward Road West, Mongkok,      
Hong Kong      

Issue Date: 2-Nov-2023